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Call for Proposals: TRLN Annual Meeting Presentations

TRLN is now inviting proposals for presentations at the TRLN Annual Meeting, which will take place on Thursday, July 11, at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill.

Who may submit a proposal? Anyone who works in a TRLN member library. We welcome submissions from people of any domain, area of expertise, library, level of seniority, or title.

What presentation topics are welcome? Topics could include interesting activities or programs at your library; current projects or those in the planning stages; or things happening on your campus which people on other campuses might find instructive or want to replicate. Presentations could also highlight current TRLN working group or interest group projects or accomplishments.

How long can presentations be? Depending on the length of time you think is best for your topic, you can propose a 5-6 minute lightning talk, a 25-30 minute presentation, or a 45-60 minute presentation.

How do I submit a proposal? Complete and submit this form by Wednesday, May 15.

When will I hear if my proposal has been accepted? All submissions will be reviewed by the Annual Meeting Steering Committee, which includes representatives from all four member institutions. Selection decisions will be announced by Thursday, May 30.

More questions? Contact